Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Genesis (The Story) 1

I woke up one morning in 2014, restless. I was feeling unwell. I seemed to be unwell very often. I'm usually not sickly. In fact, I rarely fall ill. This was different. Sick Ruby Gloom by empty-10
In a space of three months, I had treated the flu, cough, and malaria illnesses. What is wrong with me? ( I thought to myself).
Never one to dwell on a problem but seek solutions, I scheduled myself for a Doctors appointment. I was to see Dr Tillman (fictional name) the following day.
I showed up to the hospital; exhausted but otherwise feeling a little better and explained my issue. Nodding his head and scribbling on his notepad (why Doctors always do that is beyond me), Dr Tillman finally sent me to the lab for Malaria/Typhoid tests.  Maybe Typhoid was a possible reason for the frequent Malaria.

I got to the lab and absentmindedly asked if they could also run an HIV test. I recalled that it had been over six months since the last time I carried out routine HIV tests; a nasty habit I picked up ever since I became sexually active. Anyway, they were happy to oblige and I sat in the waiting room for hours or so it seemed until I got called into the consultants office.
My heart sank so low, I could've sworn it had dropped to my feet. That was odd. They never did this the other times I did HIV tests. I chucked it up to new protocols being adopted and blithely followed the Lab attendant to the office. 
To this day, I can never figure out why counselors prevaricate when they deliver difficult news. I think it only increases apprehension.

Terrified Baby Face -

Then I heard the most terrifying six words anybody should ever have to hear... 
"I'm sorry, you are HIV positive". 

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